
Tuesday, October 14, 2014

General Economics

Wall Street Journal | Nobel Prize in Economic Science Awarded to Jean Tirole
Jean Tirole, a French economist whose theories about the behavior of large companies underpin modern antitrust regulation, won this year’s Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences.
Wall Street Journal | Global Signs of Slowdown Ripple Across Markets, Vex Policy Makers
Gathering signs of a slowdown across many parts of the world are roiling financial markets and confounding policy makers, who after years of battling anemic economic growth have limited tools left to jump-start a recovery.
Market Watch | Treasurys leap as traders fret over growth slowdown
Treasury prices mounted a powerful climb on Tuesday as global economic growth fears rippled across financial markets.

Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
CNN Money | The Chinese like capitalism more than Americans
The United States may be the poster child for capitalism, but people living in China, India and Vietnam are bigger believers in the free market than Americans.

Wall Street Journal | Small Business Optimism Stuck in ‘Second Gear,’ NFIB Says
Small-business owners remained wary about economic conditions in September, according to a report released Tuesday. The caution has caused a cutback in equipment spending and hiring plans.

Health Care

Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                    | Losing Employer-Provided Coverage: Another ACA Prediction Comes True
This past week provided an important example of the anticipated effects of the Affordable Care Act coming to pass.

The Daily Signal | Report: Obamacare Will Add $131 Billion to Federal Deficits in Next Decade
Among President Obama’s many high-profile health care promises, there is this gem from his 2009 address to Congress: “I will not sign a plan that adds one dime to our deficits–either now or in the future.”


CNN Money | Elizabeth Warren wants to probe if Fed is too close to big banks
Sen. Elizabeth Warren wants Congress to look into allegations the New York Federal Reserve blocked one of its own from criticizing Goldman Sachs.
CNN Money | Federal Reserve stays on cruise control
The U.S. economy is strengthening but the Federal Reserve remains in cruise control.

Wall Street Journal | Fed’s Evans: Biggest Risk to U.S. Now is Premature Rate Hikes
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago President Charles Evans said Monday the “biggest risk” to the economy right now is that the central bank would raise interest rates sooner than it should.


Wall Street Journal | Ireland to Close ‘Double Irish’ Tax Loophole
The Irish government moved Tuesday to close one of the world’s most well-known corporate-tax loopholes, amid a broader tax crackdown on largely U.S.-based technology companies.

Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
Real Clear Markets | Don't Be Fooled, the Internet Is Already Taxed
Many people think that when the Internet Tax Freedom Act (ITFA) expires on December 11, this will open the door for the first time to the taxation of the Internet. Wrong. The Internet is already taxed, and taxation can continue even if IFTA is extended.
Mercatus Center | Takings and Tax Revenue: Fiscal Impacts of Eminent Domain
The United States Supreme Court decision in Kelo v. City of New London in 2005 sparked outrage around the country. In this decision, the US Supreme Court allowed the use of eminent domain to transfer property in New London, Connecticut, for private benefit, not for public use as set forth in the takings clause of the US Constitution.

The Daily Signal | Want an Economic Boost? Let’s Kill the Death Tax
Death and taxes are two of life’s certainties, but the tax on death itself should certainly be eliminated. A recent analysis by The Heritage Foundation’s Center for Data Analysis found that doing away with the federal death tax would provide a much-needed, long-lasting boost to the nation’s economy.


Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
The Washington Times | Why so many are unemployed for so long
If you pay people not to work, what do you think they will do?