
Tuesday, March 22, 2011


NationalJournal | Federal Reserve Stress Tests Stoke New Transparency Debate
The Federal Reserve completed its latest round of stress tests on the nation's biggest banks last week, and many of them are now gearing up to sharply increase their dividend payments to shareholders.

Econ Comments                                                                                                             
CNN: Money | Does the dollar dig inflation?
Maybe Ben Bernanke isn't such a debaser after all.

NRO: The Corner | ‘Time to End the Fed?: The Origin of Central Banking and Possible Alternatives’
The Cato Institute’s Dan Mitchell makes the case that the Federal Reserve has a dismal track record and bears significant responsibility for almost every major economic upheaval of the past 100 years, including the Great Depression, Seventies stagflation, and the recent financial crisis. And yet it always seems to get more powerful over time.