
Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Fox News | GOP Eyes Debt Ceiling Vote for Leverage to Pass Balanced Budget Amendment
The last time a balanced budget amendment was introduced in the Senate, in 1997, it failed by just one vote.
WSJ | State Pension Plans Lose Ground
On average, state pension plans had 75% of the assets needed to cover the long-term benefits owed to government workers, based on fiscal-2010 data from 16 states obtained by Pew. That was down from 77% in those states in fiscal 2009.
Fiscal Times | Greece 2010 Deficit Bigger Than Forecast
Greece's deficit hit 10.5 percent of economic output in 2010, well above the 9.6 percent the European Commission, the EU's executive, predicted last fall.

Econ Comments                                                                                                             
Fortune | S&P: Why we downgraded our U.S. outlook
How does the rating agency decide when to downgrade its outlook for sovereign debt? It turns out that politics does influence the decision.
Washington Times | BLANKLEY: Only the Republican Study Committee budget would succeed
Small revisions to Medicare would yield big remedy to funding gap.
RCM | Cutting Expenditure Is A Good Thing
The U.S. faces a fiscal meltdown because government undertakes activities that are not necessary or useful functions of government. The only way to end our fiscal pain is for government to get out of these activities.
Washington Times | RAHN: Risky unrealism
Pie-in-the-sky budget forecast to end in pie with the face.
NRO | Debt-Ceiling Strategies
Republicans debate whether and how to raise the roof.