
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Health Care

National Journal | CBO Says Ryan Plan Would Raise Health Costs for Elderly
The fiscal 2012 budget plan unveiled Tuesday by House Budget Chairman Paul Ryan, R-Wis., would force most elderly people to pay more for their health care, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office wrote in an analysis released Tuesday evening.
National Journal | Bipartisan Hatred of Law's 1099 Tax Provision Finally Leads to Repeal
There was an unusual display of bipartisanship when it came to the health care law on Tuesday after senators overwhelmingly voted to repeal its universally hated 1099 tax-reporting provision, sending the measure to President Obama's desk.
NY Times | Generational Divide Colors Debate Over Medicare’s Future
The Republican budget released on Tuesday is a daring one in many ways.
Washington Times | Red tape cut in health care law
GOP sees ‘down payment on total repeal’ of Obama initiative
CNS News | GOP Budget Proposal: 'Not a Penny' for Obamacare
The Republican proposal says one of its aims is “making sure that not a penny goes toward implementing the new [health care] law” enacted last year.

Econ Comments                                                                                                             
Politico | Medicare's moment of truth
Hats off to the House budget resolution for including real Medicare reform. It is the only hope.
Cato Institute | How ObamaCare Strokes the Fat Cats
When government says it's set to do something for the little guy, hang on to your wallet.

EconLog | Morality and Medicare
The key word here is promises. There is essentially zero chance that the government will keep its current promises.
Marginal Revolution | Do private vouchers help control health care costs?
Why is the market-based Advantage voucher system not helping to control Medicare costs? The answer is that health care cost control is tough, technically and politically.
The Economist: Democracy in America | You put the load right on me
I agree with Mr Ryan that the government needs to limit taxpayers' exposure to Medicare cost inflation. I think this plan is a fundamentally immoral way to do it.