
Monday, April 4, 2011


CSM | Tax Day 2011 has been put off. And that's no April Fool's joke.
Tax Day humor is not your standard April Fool's fare, but this year, a D.C. holiday called Emancipation Day is giving most Americans something to smile about: extra time to file.
WSJ | Potential Tax Change Is Red Flag for Some Firms
...members of Congress are focusing on code provisions that encourage companies to finance their activities through issuing debt, instead of equity.
Washington Post | IRS eases tax-debt policies
The IRS says it will file fewer tax liens, which give the government legal claim to a taxpayer’s property for the amount of his unpaid taxes…
WSJ | Rich Are Targeted in IRS Audit Offensive
According to the agency's latest statistical report for the fiscal year ended Sept. 30, the percentage of taxpayers who were audited increased in every category of adjusted gross income above $500,000, compared with a year earlier.

Econ Comments                                                                                                             
The American | Slay This Tax 'Monster'
...the AMT’s reach has expanded over time to hit middle-income people it was never intended to tax.

Cato@Liberty | A Victory for the Laffer Curve, a Defeat for England’s Economy
A new study from the Adam Smith Institute in the United Kingdom provides overwhelming evidence that class-warfare tax policy is grossly misguided and self-destructive.