
Tuesday, April 5, 2011


WSJ | Private-School Tax Break Is Upheld
A divided Supreme Court Monday upheld an Arizona tax-credit program that offers a dollar-for-dollar reduction of state income tax payments to organizations that support religious schools, opening the door to the expansion of such programs nationwide.
CNN Money | Tax audits: 78% are done by mail, not in person
Of the more than 1.6 million Americans who were slapped with audits last year, 78% dealt with correspondence audits, while only 22% were asked to come in for an in-person examination.
Fiscal Times | Taxes: What Could Trigger an IRS Audit
...keep in mind that the odds of getting audited can rise sharply depending on details of your return.

Econ Comments                                                                                                             
Fiscal Times | The 12 Craziest Tax Laws in America
Colorado recently revised its definition of what constitutes an “essential” food item to make those plastic lids taxable.
CNN Money | New taxes: Never say never
...since our largest taxes are on income, higher rates create disincentives for work and saving.
WSJ | Coburn vs. Norquist
The Senator is right on ethanol and, in this case, on tax subsidies.

Reason: Out of Control Policy Blog | Complaints About "Tax Havens" Are Misguided
The problem is that worldwide systems, which often result in higher taxes for companies that operate abroad, have proven increasingly uncompetitive.