
Thursday, April 21, 2011


Econ Comments                                                                                                             
Cato Institute | Higher Taxes or Smaller Entitlements: What Should Voters Choose?
The bottom line is that both entitlement benefits and payroll taxes used to fund them have negative economic effects.
NRO | Taxing the Rich Won’t Increase Revenues
...the government’s total revenues from capital gains have tended to rise when the capital-gains tax rate is lowered.

Big Questions | The Man Who Can’t Be Taxed
...when Mr. Kendrick withdraws $84 million from the bank to make his tax payment, the bank makes fewer loans, interest rates rise, and someone cancels a vacations, or postpones a car purchase, or abandons a half-built factory.
Atlantic: McArdle | Just A Little Tax Hike . . .
Tax revenues exceeded 20% of GDP for exactly one year: 2000. The average tax take under Clinton was 19%.