
Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Bloomberg | U.S. Partisan Divides Harden on Debt Accord
Lawmakers in both parties said their options were narrowing for reaching an accord on reducing long- term deficits as congressional leaders rejected key elements of a possible bipartisan deal to raise the U.S. debt limit.

Econ Comments                                                                                                             
National Journal | Why Is Social Security Absent From Deficit-Reduction Debate?
Perhaps most importantly, Social Security’s financing challenge isn’t contributing directly to the deficit right now, and won’t for decades.
FT | The eurozone’s journey to defaults
A story is told of a man sentenced by his king to death. The latter tells him that he can keep his life if...

Cato@Liberty | Let’s Copy the Baltic Nations and Really Cut Spending
Even the House Republican Study Committee budget allows spending to increase, on average, by 1.7 percent each year for the next decade.

Mercatus Center | The Debt‐Inflation Cycle and the Global Financial Crisis
Writing over 230 years ago, Adam Smith noted the ‘juggling trick’ whereby governments hide the extent of their public debt through ‘pretend payments.’