National Journal | States Advance in Reform Waivers
As the Department of Health and Human Services presses forward with a federal vision of health care reform, some states are advancing in their efforts to implement their own versions.
Econ Comments
AEI | Two-Way Truce Can Improve Health Care
Last week, 42 freshman House Members sent a letter to President Barack Obama urging him to stop Democrats from employing "Mediscare" tactics on them and their colleagues for their votes in support of Rep. Paul Ryan's (R-Wis.) Medicare proposal and other health care policy changes.
Heritage Foundatoin | How about a National Obamacare Waiver?
If you knew a dangerous virus was about to hit America and that you could beg the government for a vaccine, you’d probably do it, wouldn’t you? That’s just what states and businesses alike are doing right now in preparation for Obamacare. But rather than seeking a vaccine, they’re asking for waivers from the law’s onerous requirements.