Daily Caller | Who's still waiting for waivers and who got denied? Obama won't tell us
Amidst the news that 38 of the 204 Obamacare waivers approved in April went to posh entertainment venues in the Housae Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi's district, new questions about the Obama administration's transparency pledge have arisen.
National Journal | Pent-Up Demand Expected to Drive Medical Cost Growth
Employer medical costs are expected to rise 8.5 percent in 2012, up from 8 percent in 2011, in part due to pent up demand from those who delayed care during the economic downturn, according to a report published on Wednesday.
Politico | Obama to Romney: 'Great idea'
While raising money in Boston on Wednesday, Obama alluded twice to Romney's role in enacting the Massachusetts health care law, the latest reference to the former governor's record that has haunted him as he eyes a White House bid.
National Journal | Go Ahead, Have Another Cup
Men who drink a lot of coffee appear to have a lower risk of developing a deadly type of prostate cancer -- and the more they drink, the lower the risk, researchers reported on Wednesday.
Cato@Liberty | If You Liked Obamacare, You’ll Love Goodwin Liu
As I blogged last year, Liu is, without exaggeration, the most radical nominee to any position that President Obama has made. He believes in constitutional positive rights — not that the welfare state and all its accompanying entitlements (and then some) are a good idea, but that they are constitutionally required.
Volokh Conspiracy | Are Health Care Waivers Political Favors?
The problem is that HHS has not been sufficiently clear about the criteria it is using in its waiver decisions. As a consequence, it is difficult to know whether waivers are being used improperly.