
Friday, May 6, 2011


Econ Comments                                                                                                             
Jalopnik | Why Obama’s plan to tax cars by the mile is wrong
The Congressional Budget Office estimates that based on future fuel economy standards, paying for roads without any new fees would require gasoline taxes of $2.10 a gallon.
WSJ | The Tax-Me-More Lobby Doesn't Pay More
The same people who say they want to pay higher taxes don't bother to contribute more voluntarily.

NRO: The Corner | Why Do We Have to Raise Taxes on the Rich?
Moreover, if you are obsessed with fine-tuning the ratio of contributions to government services for the rich, why not simply do the obvious and means-test more aggressively Social Security, Medicare, and other entitlements (e.g., farm programs)?

JEC | Atlas Shrugs: The Diminishing Returns from Taxing the Rich
By taxing the rich, President Obama hopes to avoid politically difficult reductions in other government programs.