
Thursday, June 16, 2011


Market Watch | Applications for jobless benefits fall 16,000
The number of U.S. workers who filed new applications for unemployment benefits continued to drift downward after spiking in late April, according to the latest government data.

Econ Comments                                                                                                             
Daily Caller | Killing jobs: Obama holds FTAs hostage
As scholars at The Heritage Foundation note, TAA provides overly generous benefits for just a small fraction of laid-off workers.

EconLog | Policies for Structural Unemployment
If the government has $50,000 to spend creating jobs, it would be better to pay a subsidy of $10,000 per job for five private-sector jobs than to create a single $50,000 job.

Heritage Foundation | Same Worker, Higher Wage: A Study of Workers Who Switch from Private to Federal Employment
The 1999 Handbook of Labor Economics provides a good overview of the relevant studies, which have usually found a federal wage premium of 10 percent to 20 percent.