
Thursday, June 23, 2011


Bloomberg | Jobless Claims in U.S. Rise More Than Expected
More Americans than forecast filed first-time claims for unemployment insurance payments last week, showing companies are less confident about the expansion than they were earlier this year.
MarketWatch | U.S. still wasting billions on jobless aid
Billions of dollars are still being wasted by the U.S. government on improperly paid unemployment benefits despite a federal crackdown.

Econ Comments                                                                                                             
Politico | Government blocking jobs
We have heard plenty of talk about job creation — but the rhetoric simply does not match up with any action. The truth is the most significant step the federal government can take toward greater job growth is to get out of the way.

WSJ: Real Time Economics | Bernanke’s Scary View of Employment
He said the U.S. economy is “still years away” from what is considered a level of full employment, meaning an unemployment rate somewhere in the range of 5%. It stands now at 9.1%.