
Thursday, June 2, 2011

Health Care

National Journal | Could It Have Been Prevented? If So, Medicaid Won't Pay
“These steps will encourage health professionals and hospitals to reduce preventable infections, and eliminate serious medical errors," Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Administrator Donald Berwick said in a statement.
NYT | Report Finds Inequities in Payments for Medicare
Although Medicare is a national program, it adjusts payments to health care providers to reflect regional differences in wages, rent and other costs.
National Journal | Reid: Ryan Plan Would Eliminate Insurance to Millions of Children
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., laid into the Republican budget plan again on Tuesday, saying the proposal will take away health coverage not only from seniors, but also potentially from millions of children.
Politico | Health reform lawsuit in jeopardy?
A federal appeals panel questioned Wednesday whether a conservative legal center's challenge to the health law is still valid after the revelation last week that a key plaintiff had already bought health insurance.

Cato@Liberty | Plaintiffs Should Be Cautiously Optimistic about Latest Obamacare Appeal
All in all, it was a fascinating day in court that proved again that no matter how much one studies the Obamacare challenges, there’s always something new to learn.
Econlog | Law, Legislation, and Medicare
Medicare, which has been around for most of our adult lives, has accustomed the elderly to the notion that they can have any medical procedure recommended by a doctor without having to pay for it. Any deviation from that custom would violate the law, in Hayek's sense. Hence, "government, keep your hands off my Medicare."
Cato@Liberty | Medicare Reform: Throwing Wasserman-Schultz ‘to the Wolves’
On CBS’s Face the Nation, Democratic National Committee chair Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (FL) said this of the House Republicans’ Medicare reform plan: