
Monday, June 13, 2011

Health Care

CNN: Money | Death panel? No -- A promising way to control health costs
For critics of the 2010 Affordable Care Act, it's a convenient talking point. The problem is it's a caricature. In fact, the Independent Payment Advisory Board is a central tool for controlling the cost of -- and thus saving -- Medicare, and won't harm patient care.
CNN: Money | Parents won't pay uninsured adult kids' health care
The government had hoped that extending the age for dependent coverage to 26 would drastically reduce the large number of young adults who do not have any health care coverage. But the survey's results show that parents, already facing higher costs to cover their families, are put off by the additional costs of taking advantage of the new provision.
National Journal | Programs in Health Law Lack Funding
Health care reform is well under way, with outlines available for running the so-called Accountable Care Organizations and rules being written for health insurance marketplaces. But some of the programs mandated in the law don't have funding.

Econ Comments                                                                                                             
RCM | Building An Escape Hatch Into Single Payer Healthcare
Give the Progressives what they want and make universal healthcare a unitary government service, provided free of charge to all comers, on one condition. That they agree to legislatively authorize a parallel nationwide healthcare free market enterprise zone.

NRO: The Corner | Can We Get ‘Price Controls’ Out of Medicare?
Here are some provocative paragraphs about doctors who treat Medicare patients and the rules they have to abide by: