
Wednesday, July 6, 2011


CNN Money | Challenger report: More job cuts ahead
As the economic recovery continues to lose momentum, more job losses are on the horizon for thousands of Americans, according to a report released Wednesday.
MarketWatch | June U.S. jobs data could be made in Japan
Report to shed more light on whether slowdown is temporary.
USA TODAY | Jobs in post-recession USA demand multiple skills
At a General Motors plant here, transmission assembly looks a lot like musical chairs.
WSJ | Jobs Study Is Too Late for Debate on Trade
As a divided Congress moves closer to a decision on three big international trade pacts, the Labor Department is four years late in delivering a study that is supposed to measure the efficacy of a program to provide extra benefits to workers who lose their jobs through globalization.

Econ Comments                                                                                                             
Washington Times | MILLOY: Last chance for GOP to stop EPA train wreck
Obama’s greenhouse-gas regulations about to kill more jobs.
Bloomberg | Job Gains in Private Sector Are Illusory for U.S.: Alan Tonelson
As bad as the U.S. employment picture looks, the official Labor Department figures understate the magnitude of the crisis.

Café Hayek | Unemployment and education
...the unemployment rate for high school dropouts instead of being four or five percentage points higher than that of people who have at least a college degree–it’s now more like TEN percentage points higher.
The Weekly Standard | Obama’s Economists: ‘Stimulus’ Has Cost $278,000 per Job
The stimulus is now causing the economy to shed jobs.

Heritage Foundation | Years of High Unemployment Ahead at Recovery’s Pace
Despite the official end of the recession in June 2009, the labor market remains stagnant. Employment has fallen by nearly 7 million jobs since the recession began.