National Journal | Senate Dem Wants to Undo Over-the-Counter Rules
Sen. Ben Nelson, D-Neb., introduced legislation Thursday undoing a piece of the law that annoys both doctors and patients—one that requires people to get a prescription from a doctor in order to use money in their tax-free health spending accounts to buy over-the-counter drugs.
National Journal | Employer-Provided Health Insurance Costs
Just over 51 percent of workers enrolled only themselves in employer-sponsored health insurance plans, the Agency for Health Research and Quality found. Average premiums were $4,940 for one person; $9,664 for employee plus-one coverage; and $13,871 for family coverage.
Econ Comments
AEI | Medicare Reform and Fiscal Reality
Demographic, economic, and political forces have placed unprecedented demands on Medicare that cannot be met without major program reform. The oldest baby boomers have just turned 65, heralding the start of a 70 percent expansion in the Medicare population over the next two decades.