
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Health Care

National Journal | FDA Approves New Flu Vaccines
Health experts approved the three-strain cocktail to be used in the vaccines last winter, and companies are finishing the tedious process of making the vaccines. Every year, the mix changes slightly as the most commonly circulating flu strains mutate.
Politico | Can a federal health exchange work?
That question is nagging at some policy experts following last week’s release of the proposed federal rules on the new state health insurance marketplaces, which are supposed to be set up in every state by 2014 under President Barack Obama’s health reform law.
National Journal | Obama Administration Offers Loans for Health Insurance Co-ops
The Centers for Medicare & Medicare Services says it wants to encourage groups to set up Consumer Operated and Oriented Plans, or CO-OPs, which would be private, nonprofit, consumer-governed health insurance plans. CMS is proposing standards for the CO-OPs and inviting groups to apply for money to start them up.

Econ Comments                                                                                                             
Politico | Mitt Romney: Carbon not a health threat
Mitt Romney says he doesn’t think carbon pollution threatens human health and would not green light EPA climate regulations if he were in the White House.