
Thursday, July 14, 2011


Politico | Bridging the no-new-taxes divide
A short list of revenue ideas, floated for weeks among congressional leaders and the White House, points to some wiggle room behind the black-and-white positions — and therefore, more leeway for a deal than the rhetoric suggests.

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Politico | Public supports taxing the rich
With negotiations over the debt ceiling nearing a climax, the issues of revenue and taxes are at the forefront of the debate. President Barack Obama and most Democrats insist that revenue increases be included in the final deal, while most Republicans insist that all “tax increases” are off the table.
USA TODAY | Who exactly has the tax target on them?
But individuals earning $200,000, couples earning $250,000 and, to a lesser extent, all taxpayers could lose money in the deal as their tax rates rise or they move into higher tax brackets.