
Friday, July 22, 2011


Econ Comments                                                                                                             
CNN Money | 3 stealth tax traps
Congressional gridlock over whether to cut or raise income taxes is obscuring a different threat to six-figure earners: a host of stealth taxes implemented in the name of deficit reduction.
AEI | The Terminology of Taxation
Democrats have a tough time selling "revenue increases" to the public.

Heritage Foundation | Heritage’s Bill Beach: Fix the Debt, or Taxes Will Double for Millennials
“If we don’t immediately act to solve the debt crisis, what will happen is tax rates will basically double by the time the current millennial generation is in their 50’s—which isn’t that far away.“
Atlantic: McArdle | A Tax Loophole for Republicans colleague Clive Crook points out that there may be an opening for the GOP to find some revenue...
NRO: The Corner | Does the Gang of Six Deal Increase or Reduce Taxes?
To think that some Republicans may be tempted by this deal is stunning, especially after they rejected the president’s grand-bargain deal.
Heritage Foundation | The U.S. Chamber of Tax Hikes
Some national business leaders are outright opposing measures of fiscal responsibility. Fortunately, fiscal conservatives in Congress are fighting back.
NRO: The Corner | Why Is the President So Adamant on Raising Taxes?
Via the Wall Street Journal’s Notable & Quotable, here is columnist James Pethokoukis explaining why, contrary to Keynesian theory, President Obama wants much higher taxes.