
Thursday, August 18, 2011

Health Care

Econ Comments                                                                                                             
Washington Times | MILLER: Get back to work
Verizon strikers don’t have a right to free health care.

Heritage Foundation | A Blueprint for Medicare Reform
The Heritage plan would replace the current “defined benefit” structure of Medicare with a defined contribution for seniors to offset their costs, whether they choose to enroll in traditional Medicare’s fee-for-service program, keep their existing private health insurance and bring it with them into retirement, or purchase another private plan that better suits their personal needs.
Cato @ Liberty | Supreme Court Should Review Obamacare Case Now
The government should file for, and the Supreme Court should grant, a petition for certiorari (review). Any delay by the government would be base political strategery, an attempt to push the eventual Court decision — whatever it is — past the November 2012 presidential election.