
Monday, September 19, 2011


Econ Comments                                                                                                             
CNN Money | Why debt ceiling spending caps won't stick
In other words, lawmakers can just change the law. Or pass a new one. And they probably will.
WSJ | Sovereign Debt Risk Seen More Volatile
The risk premiums attached to the sovereign debt of developed economies will be "persistently higher and more volatile" in the future, the Bank for International Settlements warned in its quarterly report, released Sunday.
CNN Money | Greece: Is this the end game?
The fraught negotiations have revived fears that Greece could default on its debts in a disorganized way, something that investors and economists fear could ripple throughout the global financial system.
Barron's | History Lessons
Europe is testing the thesis of Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff's This Time Is Different: Eight Centuries of Financial Folly, in real time.
AEI | Taxes and Debt: Left and Right Dare to Agree
The Congressional Budget Office's most recent long-term projection shows that the primary deficit (excluding interest payments) will shrink until 2018 but then begin to rise. By 2035, it will go to 6.6% of GDP--and then just keep on rising.

NRO: The Corner | Abusing Emergency Spending
Supplemental spending, and “emergency” spending in particular, has become Washington’s tool of choice for evading annual budget limits and increasing spending across the board.
Mercatus Center: Neighberhood Effects | When Does Each State’s Debt Reach 90 Percent of GDP?
Absent policy change, debt in every state of the union will be greater than 90 percent by 2070.
Political Calculations | Obama vs America: 2012 Spending Edition
How much can typical Americans actually afford for the U.S. federal government to spend? And how does that compare with the amount of money that President Obama would really like to spend?