
Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Market Watch | Obama’s debt plan may hit your retirement
If you’re wealthy or you receive Medicare, President Obama’s proposal to cut the federal deficit could very well either raise your taxes or cut your benefits. There’s no winning if you’re both rich and a Medicare beneficiary.
Fox Business | Who Else Pays for the President's $3.6 Trillion Deficit Cutting Plan?
Increase unemployment insurance premiums: Raise the wage base for unemployment insurance premiums from the first $7,500 to the first $15,000 of wages (starting in 2014).

Heritage Foundation | The President’s “Debt Reduction”: $1.6 Trillion in Tax Hikes, Almost No Net Spending Reductions
During his Rose Garden speech Monday, the President claimed that his new “debt reduction” plan would provide $2 of spending cuts for every $1 of tax increases. A closer look at the administration’s own numbers, however, suggests the President, well, exaggerated.