
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Health Care

CNN: Money | Employers bear brunt of health insurance hikes
While the annual cost for employee family health insurance jumped 9% this year, employers shouldered the bulk of that increase, according to a new industry survey Tuesday.
Market Watch | Some doctors think patients get too much care
Many primary-care physicians think they could be sued for not doing something, but few think they could be sued for doing something excessive or unnecessary. So says the lead author of a study that shows 28% of physicians polled said they personally were practicing more aggressively than they would like.
National Journal | Hospitals Flunk Readmission Test
Hospitals are about to get punished for so-called readmissions – when patients end up right back in the hospital after being discharged. Yet they’ve done very little to improve, researchers reported on Wednesday.

Econ Comments                                                                                                             
WSJ | Beyond 'Repeal and Replace'
The core challenge, as Mr. Ryan laid out, is that "the health-care sector lacks most of the basic building blocks of a functioning market."