
Tuesday, October 11, 2011


CNN Money | Debt committee could raise risk of U.S. downgrade
As if finding consensus on debt reduction in a hyper-partisan environment isn't hard enough.
NY Times | Many in Both Parties Want a Window Into the Deficit Reduction Panel’s Work
On one crucial point, a powerful Congressional committee seeking ways to reduce the federal budget deficit has managed to produce a rare bipartisan consensus: Republicans and Democrats, liberals and conservatives in and out of Congress say the panel is doing too much of its work in secret.
CNN Money | $1.3 trillion deficit for 2011, CBO says
The federal government closed out fiscal year 2011 with an estimated deficit of $1.3 trillion, according to Congressional Budget Office estimates released Friday.

Econ Comments                                                                                                             
Washington Times | HANNA: Lies, failure and wasted money
What the White House doesn’t want you to know.

Independent Institute | Shrinking Leviathan: Can the Interaction Between Interests and Ideology Slice Both Ways?
Contrary to conventional thought, however, the history of government expansion provides reasons to believe that the trend can be reversed.