
Thursday, October 13, 2011


Market Watch | Initial jobless claims inch down to 404,000
Applications for unemployment benefits reflect little change in hiring.
Politico | Jobs plan from Senate Republicans unveiled
President Barack Obama had his American Jobs Act. Now, Senate Republicans may have their Real American Jobs Act.

Econ Comments                                                                                                             
WSJ | Families Don't Depend on the Minimum Wage
The data are clear: In most cases minimum-wage earnings are only a small fraction of family income.
Fox News | Our Government Doesn't Create Jobs, It Kills Them
When government isn't killing jobs by sucking money out of the private sector, it kills jobs by smothering the private sector with regulation.

WSJ: Real Time Economics | Tomorrow’s Entrepreneurs: Willing but Are They Able?
According to the first findings, released Thursday morning, 77% of all students surveyed want to be their own boss; 45% plan to start their own businesses and 42% went even further, saying they agreed with the statement “I will invent something that changes the world.”