
Friday, October 21, 2011

General Economics

Politico | Poll: Most blame Obama for economy
A majority — 53 percent — said Obama deserves “a great deal” or a “moderate amount” of the blame for the economic problems that the United States currently faces, the USA Today/Gallup poll from mid-September shows.
Bloomberg | Transport Shares May Outperform as U.S. Consumer Spending Rises
Companies transporting holiday merchandise may outperform the stock market as a rise in consumer spending indicates seasonal shopping may be better than forecast.
Politico | Poll: 72% say U.S. headed wrong way
The majority of those polled in an AP-GfK poll, 72 percent, said that they believe the country is generally headed in the wrong direction, while 24 percent said it is headed in the right direction

Econ Comments                                                                                                             
Washington Times | VERSACE: Economic data, consumers remain glum
In terms of other key news out this week, the combination of government statistics and those from other parties continue to paint the picture of a weak domestic economy that will continue to feel like a recession for the near term.
Washington Times | BRANNON & BATKINS: Absurdity of regulatory Keynesianism
Belief that hiring more workers to implement rules can lift economy is fanciful.
Washington Times | PULLMANN: Waiver avalanche uncovers flaws of No Child Left Behind
Federal control can’t replace key to student success: Parental involvement.

NRO: The Corner | Stimulus Spending Explained
If you are interested in understanding how Keynesian economists (the good ones) think government spending triggers economic growth, if and when economists disagree on the issue of stimulus, and whether or not World War II stimulated the economy, you should listen to this great conversation between economists Russ Roberts and Garett Jones on EconTalk.
EconLog | The Construction Sector and the Economy
One concern I would have is that a decline in the demand for an input to construction should reduce the price of that input and thereby increase its demand in other sectors. This will not be picked up by input-output analysis.

Mercatus Center | Accountability at FEMA: Is Quality Job #1?
Maurice McTigue testified before the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, Ad Hoc Subcommittee on Disaster Recovery and Intergovernmental Affairs on ways FEMA can become more effective and efficient in reacting to disasters. 
Mercatus Center | Housing Finance Reform: Continuation of the 30-Year Fixed-Rate Mortgage
Anthony Sanders testified before the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs about 30-year fixed rate mortgages.