
Monday, October 24, 2011


Econ Comments                                                                                                             
Washington Times | DECKER: Europe’s savior: A new Deutsche Mark
Viable economies need to break away from collapsing euro currency.
Market Watch | Fed to try talking first with QE3 in reserve
The Federal Reserve will try to give greater guidance to markets about its low interest rate policy at its November meeting while keeping more quantitative easing in its back pocket for use if if the economy starts to weaken.
Cato Institute | Fed Created a Recipe for Disaster in Housing Market
Using the Fed balance sheet to absorb the losses that should have been borne by creditors and shareholders is not conducting monetary policy.

Daily Capitalist | Inflation, Women, And DivorceVast sociological trends have occurred in the U.S. which have required women to work. That has led to a high divorce rate (50%), a high birthrate to unmarried women (41% of births), and a greater amount of single-mother households(24%). Whatever you think the reasons for these trends, it has been occurring since the 1970s.
Free Banking | Once more: central banking is a form of central planning
Central planning need not extend to every economic activity. It is enough for the government to control key institutions. The monetary system is obviously one such institution.