
Monday, November 14, 2011

Health Care

National Journal | Gallup: Fewer Americans Covered by Employer-Based Insurance
Only 44.5 percent of American adults received health insurance from an employer in the third quarter of 2011, the latest low point in a steady decline in employer-based coverage measured by Gallup and Healthways since 2008.
WSJ | Health System Reflects Greece's Ills
Greece's constitution obliges the state to provide health care to citizens. By and large, it does. But the system is a mess. It is stuffed with debt, plagued with corruption.
National Journal | QUICK TAKE: White House to Announce $1 Billion in Health Care Grants -- WaPo
The Obama Administration will announce on Monday as much as $1 billion in grants to help groups, doctors and communities hire and train health-care workers.

Econ Comments                                                                                                             
AEI | Medicare's Failed Physician Payment Policy
Medicare has been paying your doctor too much, and it wants its money back. To make up for years of high payments, Medicare fees are scheduled to drop 27.4 percent in January.

Daily Capitalist | Obamacare of Spain Is Running Out Of Money
This article about Spain’s public health care system demonstrates what happens when the government starts running out of money. Of course, that couldn’t happen here.
Heritage Foundation | Reforming the Military Health Care System
A number of military and veterans groups are expressing concern over a letter that Senator John McCain (R–AZ) has sent to members of the congressional Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction suggesting they adopt earlier proposals from a March report of the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) for scaling back military health care benefits and increasing fees.