
Monday, December 5, 2011


Market Watch | Reid said ready to compromise on payroll-tax cuts
U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid will offer a compromise on Monday to extend payroll-tax cuts and jobless benefits that would otherwise expire this month, another Democrat said Sunday.

Econ Comments                                                                                                             
Daily Caller | Obamacare’s 21 tax hikes are killing jobs
Stryker, the Kalamazoo, Michigan-based manufacturer of a variety of medical devices including knee and hip replacements, announced last month that it was cutting roughly 1,000 jobs in anticipation of the 2.3 percent tax.
Bloomberg | Tax Cuts Seen Undermining Social Security
The lawmakers and advocacy groups say they’re concerned the tax cuts may undermine political support for the retirement program, which provides benefits to almost 55 million Americans and is funded by the payroll levies.

Cato@Liberty | Revisiting the ‘Christmas Tree Tax’
Republicans who say they want smaller government should walk the talk by introducing legislation that would eliminate agencies and programs.