
Wednesday, December 7, 2011


NY Times | Big Firms Limit Paying State Taxes, Study Finds
As states have struggled to balance their budgets by cutting services, laying off workers and raising taxes, a study to be released on Wednesday suggests that many profitable Fortune 500 companies have not been paying as much in state corporate income taxes as the average levied on American companies, with some big firms paying none at all in recent years.
CNN Money | Billionaires with 1% tax rates
As for the president's assertion that some billionaires have a tax rate as low as 1%, Roberton Williams, a senior fellow at the Tax Policy Center, said that it's definitely possible but hard to verify.
NY Times | The Robin Hood Tax
They call it the Robin Hood tax — a tiny levy on trades in the financial markets that would take money from the banks and give it to the world’s poor.

Econ Comments                                                                                                             
Politico | GOP won’t go down without a tax fight
All this needs to be resolved soon or the Social Security payroll tax will go up next year for every working American; unemployment benefits will run dry; and doctors who treat Medicare patients will have their fees cut.
AEI | A fairer system for taxing U.S. corporate dividends
...dividends are still taxed twice: The corporation first pays a 35% federal income tax on them and then the recipient of the dividend pays again.

Hill: Floor Action Blog | GOP members offer payroll-tax solution: Let taxpayers choose
Three House Republicans have put forward a possible solution to the payroll tax cut debate — a bill that would give taxpayers the choice of whether to continue to receive a payroll tax cut.