
Friday, January 13, 2012


Roll Call | Debt Limit Vote Set for Next Week
President Barack Obama formally notified Congress today of the need to raise the debt limit, setting up a vote next week in the House on a resolution of disapproval.
WSJ | Government Edges Toward the Debt Ceiling
Raising Borrowing Limit Is Likely; Deal Struck After Last Year's Showdown Makes $1.2 Trillion Increase 'a Fait Accompli.'
Washington Times | Italy, Spain easily raise $28 billion
Spain and Italy gave financial markets a boost Thursday as they successfully raised nearly euro22 billion ($27.98 billion) in two keenly watched debt auctions that showed renewed investor confidence in the countries’ attempts to get a grip on their debt problems.

Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
CBO | Final Sequestration Report for Fiscal Year 2012
In CBO's estimation, a sequestration (cancellation of budgetary resources), which would be triggered by a breaching of the caps, will not be required in 2012.

Cato@Liberty | How Good Are Government Deficit Forecasts?
In just a few weeks Washington enters that alternative universe called “budget season,” when the President delivers his budget proposal to Congress and Congress begins constructing its budget for the coming fiscal year (at least in normal years, don’t expect much budget action in 2012).