
Tuesday, January 31, 2012


WSJ | U.S. Gets Tougher on Debt Collecting
The Federal Trade Commission intensified its crackdown on the booming debt-collection industry, announcing a $2.5 million settlement with a company for allegedly coercing borrowers into paying debts they no longer legally owed.

Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
CBO | The Budget and Economic Outlook: Fiscal Years 2012 to 2022
Each January, CBO prepares “baseline” budget projections spanning the next 10 years. Those projections are not a forecast of future events; rather, they are intended to provide a benchmark against which potential policy changes can be measured.

The American | The Obama stimulus: How Big Government screwed up the Big Spend
It was the Democrats’ Best and Brightest—but not one with a smidgen of executive experience in either the private or public sector. And into their hands was entrusted an $800 billion stimulus spending plan, a package whose details were fleshed out by Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. What could go wrong?