
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Health Care

Politico | States waiting on SCOTUS could hamper exchanges
Uncertainty over the fate of health reform, centered on the Supreme Court case and the presidential election, has led some states to adopt a wait-and-see approach that may make it impossible for them to meet Health and Human Service’s timeline for building their own insurance exchanges.
National Journal | White House Memos Reveal Health Care Quandaries -- Report
Here are the health care highlights from hundreds of pages of White House memos, analyzed by The New Yorker's Ryan Lizza

Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
CATO | Should Everyone Be Required to Have Health Insurance?
When Washington begins penalizing people for not purchasing health insurance in 2014, it will mark the first time in history the federal government has required nearly all Americans to buy a private product as a condition of lawful residence in the U.S.