
Thursday, February 16, 2012


Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
The American | The Upside of Government Default
There is a good chance that the U.S. government will be forced to default on its explicit and implicit promises within the next few decades. Fortunately, the state government experience of the 1840s suggests that this may provide the best and most durable long-run solution.
Politico | On budget, 10 is not enough
When President Barack Obama released his 2013 budget on Monday, everyone focused on the 10-year outlook on deficits. This is the same limited budget window that drove last year’s Budget Control Act and the supercommittee.
AEI | Obama's new budget is more of the same
In today’s partisan atmosphere, it was predictable that President Obama’s fiscal 2013 budget plan would sidestep the tough choices required to address the long-run imbalance between entitlement spending and tax revenue.

National Review | The President’s Balanced Approach: Lessons from the Past
Testifying before Congress yesterday, the acting OMB director Jeffrey Zients explained how the $3.8 trillion budget the president sent to Congress on Monday is a good example of what can be achieved with a balanced approach.
Political Calculations | President Obama's Permanent Spending Achievement
How much has President Barack H. Obama grown the size of the U.S. government's budget since coming into power in January 2009?