
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Health Care

Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
WSJ | ObamaCare Opening Day
The Supreme Court's epic oral arguments on the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act began Monday with a kind of tease.
Politico | Medicare’s billion-dollar headache
It’s not easy to get lawmakers interested in an obscure and complex part of the Medicare law, especially when their minds are clearly on other topics, like the upcoming election.
CATO | Obamacare Both Unnecessary And Improper
Congress exercised unprecedented and unbounded power in passing Obamacare. Although Congress has the power to regulate commerce between states, it does not have the power to order commerce into existence so it can regulate it. By compelling Americans to purchase health insurance, this is precisely what the individual mandate does.

CATO | ObamaCare Oral Arguments Day 1 – Giving the People What They Want: An Actual Decision
Like nearly everyone who is commenting on the first round of oral arguments in the ObamaCare case, it seems highly likely that the Supreme Court will decide the case on the merits—that is, they will decide if the individual mandate is constitutional rather than pushing the issue back for another day.
The American | Do we really need healthcare reform at all?
 The Obama White House considered healthcare reform such a priority that it turned its attention to Obamacare about thirty seconds after getting the stimulus passed in 2009. Yet the pace of healthcare spending increases actually has been cooling since 2002.