
Monday, March 5, 2012


Tax Foundation | When It Comes to Business Taxes, Location Matters
Taxes are a big cost for many businesses, and vary widely based both on state and market sector. Now, for the first time, we have created a measurement of the bottom-line tax liability a firm would face doing business in each of the 50 states
Library of Economics | Was the 2001 Tax Cut Regressive?
In a post today, Paul Krugman approvingly cites Jonathan Chait's claim that the Bush tax cut of 2001 was regressive. That's false.
Daily Capitalist | The (Sad) History of the Income Tax
Great infographic on the income tax from TurboTax.
Atlantic | Why I Still Think We Should Eliminate the Corporate Income Tax
I want to pair an elimination of the tax with an end to the special low tax rates for dividends and capital gains, and maybe even an increase in rates for higher brackets if that's necessary to keep the thing revenue neutral.  Which would actually be considerably more progressive than the current system.
Daily Capitalist | Why US Companies Refuse To Repatriate Foreign Earnings
The Mercatur Center’s Veronique de Rugy illustrates the need for corporate tax reform to include the adoption of a territorial type of tax system