
Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Reuters | Awash in money and piles of debt
The amount of money thrown at rescuing the world economy since the Great Recession began is truly staggering, probably more than $14 trillion, and the financial spigots are still open.

WSJ | Kohn: ‘Huge Risk’ U.S. Won’t Take Steps on Debt, Deficit by Year End
There is a real danger U.S. authorities won’t take the necessary steps to fix the country’s debt and deficit problems between the elections and the end of this year, former Federal Reserve Board Vice Chairman Donald Kohn said Monday.
Coordination Problem | Is Debt Forgiveness the Answer to the Sluggish Recovery?
I personally think a lot of deficits and debt talk among economists and the public confuses a variety of things --- trade deficits and budget deficits; private debt and public debt; economic principles and political expediency, etc.