
Thursday, April 26, 2012


Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
Real Clear Markets | The Mysterious White House/CBO Deficit Disparity
It's a perennial Washington mystery, one that probably increases public skepticism about politics and politicians. How does the White House calculate that the administration's fiscal 2013 budget would reduce the deficit by $4 trillion, whereas the Congressional Budget Office estimates that the same budget would raise the deficit by $3.6 trillion?
Market Watch | The day austerity died
Lots of little things seem to be contributing to the strength of the market, but there does also seem to be a belief that Germany finally “gets it.”
Politico | Social Security trustees: We’re going broke
Here’s some bad news: The latest report of the Social Security and Medicare trustees shows an unfunded liability for both programs of $63 trillion. That is equal to about 4.5 times the entire U.S. gross domestic product.

Neighborhood Effects | To Cut Spending, Focus on the Rules of the Game, Not the Players
It might seem that the natural solution is to elect politicians committed to reining in spending, especially on the entitlement programs and pensions at the heart of state and federal overspending.