
Thursday, April 5, 2012


Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
National Journal | Potholes on the Path to Cutting Loopholes
Tax reform is the new black -- especially in Congress, where going after tax “loopholes” has become a popular refrain across the political spectrum. See the seven budgets that came to the House floor last week: Each included some version of simplifying the tax code by ridding it of special breaks. And, along with “fairness,” one of the most-cited reasons for evening out the tax code is the economic benefits such reform would bring.

Tax Foundation | Tax Complexity: Ice Cream Cake Edition
Former Tax Foundation economist Josh Barro has a great column up on Forbes this week about just how ridiculous the minutiae of a state's tax code can get. It seems that Wisconsin recently changed its sales tax exemption for food, leaving some question as to exactly which foods are exempt and which are not.