
Monday, April 9, 2012


Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
Daily Caller | Taxing America out of competition
Americans are the most productive, innovative and hardest-working people in the world. It is not the quality of the American people that is limiting economic growth. With a 35% tax on our job-creating business, the federal government is taxing America out of the competition and the American workers and consumers are paying the price.
AEI | Big oil, targeted taxes, and the rule of law
In recent years, politicians have frequently directed harsh rhetoric toward particular corporate taxpayers that earn high profits. At times, this rhetoric has been accompanied by substantive policy proposals that single out a narrow set of profitable and unpopular taxpayers for disparate treatment.
Forbes | The Overbearing Rule Book Is What Blocks True Tax Reform
As the U.S. seeks faster growth, several reforms are imperative. We need sound money to attract capital, immediate federal spending restraint from the President, his cabinet, and OMB, and a replacement for the debt limit so that it controls spending and debt rather than facilitating them.

National Review | Two Wrongs Don’t Make A Right
I wonder how taxpayers feel about seeing their dollars use to help companies that do not need help: Boeing is America’s biggest exporter and Delta is the second-largest U.S. airline. For all the talk about hating the 1 percent of taxpayers, I don’t see much anger directed at the biggest companies in America that are benefiting from government handouts.