
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

General Economics

Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
WSJ | America and the Value of 'Earned Success'
I learned to appreciate the American free enterprise system by quitting a job in Spain.
WSJ | How We're Holding Back Broadband
Business investment has been lagging. That's one of the definitions of a slow-growth recovery. At an important wireless trade show in New Orleans this week, one of the few industries that has been producing gobs of investment might be tempted to rethink.
Bloomberg | Nobody Immune From Income Volatility, Even Rich
Over the past three decades, the highest incomes in the U.S. have risen dramatically, and that has appropriately received lots of attention. At the same time, however, these high incomes have also become much more volatile, and that has gone almost unnoticed.
WSJ | Can't Get No Respect
President Obama's regulatory agenda rarely inspires sympathy, but it does have its lighter moments when you have to feel sorry for the guy: No matter how much running room he gives to his crowd at the Environmental Protection Agency, they can never be happy.

The American | Public employee pensions don’t stimulate the economy
NIRS represents plan managers, pension actuaries, investment advisers, and public employee unions—all the folks who have an interest in keeping the current system going, even if it has generated trillions of dollars in unfunded liabilities for state and local governments.
Atlantic | Inequality: Is Our Hottest Economic Trend an Overrated Problem?
Income inequality remains remarkably prominent in political and policy debates nearly four-and-a-half years since the start of the Great Recession and less than six months from the consequential 2012 elections.