
Monday, May 21, 2012


Market Watch | Tax man makes it hard to be an American
Peter Dunn renounced his U.S. citizenship last year so he no longer would have to deal with the Internal Revenue Service.

Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
Washington Times | Small businesses sweat it out
The arrival of summer in the nation’s capital is always heralded by humidity and resulting citywide lethargy. Unfortunately for small-business owners perspiring over what taxes they’ll owe Uncle Sam for the year, this season is no different.
Forbes | Kidney Stone Horrors Explain Why The Estate Tax Should Be Abolished
All of which brings up the estate tax.  Many in our midst believe it’s essential.  Some say we need it to reduce the budget deficit despite unrelentingly observable evidence that a dollar handed over to a profligate Congress leads to government spending exponentially greater than the initial dollar. 
Real Clear Markets | 10 Ways the Greek People Can Save Themselves
The tragedy that is Greek democracy has entered its final act. Nothing can save the Greek government. Nothing can save the Greek banks. Nothing can keep Greece on the euro. But the Greek people still have the power to save themselves.
LA Times | In Europe, time for true austerity
Talks to form a coalition government in Greece collapsed again this week as a result of the country's belt-tightening backlash.
WSJ | There Goes the Sun
Washington has long ensured that American taxpayers subsidize solar power as much or more than any energy source. Now the political class wants consumers to pay even more in the form of tariffs on imports of Chinese solar cells. And we thought the Obama Administration liked green energy.