CNN Money | Spending cuts: Congress risks another crisis
It's mindless, confusing and costly. It will likely result in private-sector and government job loss. It will hurt the economy.
Econ Comments & Analysis
Politico | How to handle our long-term debt
The public is undergoing a cultural shift, driven by generations of punted fiscal decisions and the need for innovative leadership in tough economic times. Voters have determined that budget issues once considered untouchable — including long-term pension and health care obligations — are now open for discussion.
CBO | Status of Discretionary Appropriations: FY 2013 House
Estimates of discretionary budget authority and outlays for fiscal year 2013.
Café Hayek | Costs Are Not Benefits
You credulously accept the National Association of Manufacturers’s assumption that defense spending, apart from whatever benefit it might provide on the national-defense front, is a boon to the economy
Heritage Foundation | Student Loan Deal Risks Taxpayer Pension Bailout
The discussion over whether to extend federal subsidies for student loans largely hinges on whether the House and Senate come to an agreement over how to pay for the resulting $6 billion tab for taxpayers.