
Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
Forbes | Crowdsourcing a New Report On Government Job Destruction
When the government issues the June employment report on July 6th, the one data point that will be missing is the number of jobs that have been lost – or never created – because of government regulatory, tax and monetary policies. 
WSJ | Employment, Italian Style
Prime Minister Mario Monti has issued a new "growth decree" to revive Italy's moribund economy. Among other initiatives, the 185-page plan proposes discount loans for corporate R&D, tax credits for businesses that hire employees with advanced degrees, and reduced headcount at select government ministries.

Café Hayek | Moretti on jobs and cities
The latest EconTalk is Enrico Moretti talking about his new book, The New Geography of Jobs. Lots of interesting observations about the impact of education on how cities grow