
Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Bloomberg | Fed Presidents Clash Over Need to Provide More Stimulus
 Federal Reserve regional bank presidents voiced opposing views over whether the central bank should step up record accommodation following the lowest monthly increase in U.S. payrolls in a year.  
WSJ | Draghi Sees Increased Risks to Economy
The European Central Bank Wednesday dashed hopes for a cut in interest rates or other radical steps to unfreeze the euro zone's dysfunctional markets, choosing instead to tweak its current policy and hint at action in a month's time.

Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
Market Watch | Fed's Lockhart: Extending Twist on the table
 Lockhart said that he saw a higher probability of a negative influence on the U.S. economy coming from Europe than he did at the last Federal Open Market Committee meeting in April.

Free Banking | Bob Keleher's market price approach to monetary policy
The particular forward-looking market price indicators the framework recommends examining are broad indices of commodity prices; foreign exchange rates; and bond yields. No mechanical rule suffices for judging whether the central bank is supplying an equilibrium amount of the monetary base, so the book explains how to examine indicators jointly and extract signals from them.
Greg Mankiw's Blog | Summers on Quantitative Easing 
 Any rational chief financial officer in the private sector would see this as a moment to extend debt maturities and lock in low rates – exactly the opposite of what central banks are doing. In the U.S. Treasury, for example, discussions of debt-management policy have had exactly this emphasis.