
Thursday, July 19, 2012


FOX Business | Why You Shouldn’t be Scared of the Tax Man
You hear stories all the time: from neighbors, friends of friends, and even celebrities getting caught up with the taxman for underreporting, not reporting or inaccurate reporting on their tax returns.
Tax Foundation | Size Matters - Why "Just" Taxing 3% of Small Businesses is Misleading
President Obama has recently called for letting the Bush tax cuts expire on families more than $250,000 a year (and individuals making over $200,000).  This tax increase will affect many businesses that file under the personal income tax code rather than as C corporations – what are known as “pass-through” businesses because the profits pass through to the owners. 
AEI | Revisiting Warren Buffett’s tax claims and proposal to raise taxes on the coddled ‘super-rich’
Bottom Line: Buffett’s anecdotal “evidence” that the federal tax system is regressive (his secretary and lower-paid employees pay a higher federal tax rate than he does) is not typical and can be dismissed as a special case or a miscalculation.