
Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
WSJ | The Tax Cliff Endangers Seniors
Most people know that the U.S. government is rapidly approaching the edge of a fiscal cliff that will raise taxes for millions of Americans—at every income level and age. What is less known is that seniors, many of whom depend on investment income to fund their retirement, will be hurt the most.

National Review | Consequences of High Taxes: French Edition
It is official: France is about to become a tax hell. Here is a list of what French people can expect.
Keith Hennessey | Lame Ducks & Fiscal Cliffs (part 2): Income tax rates
Yesterday’s introductory post to this series gave a broad overview of the fiscal policy debate, listing issues in play at the end of this year, deadlines and timeframes, and three partisan configurations that are worthy of analysis.  Today we’ll begin to drill down into the income tax issues.
The Hill | House GOP sets out plan for tax reform in early 2013
House Rules Committee Chairman David Dreier (R-Calif.) and 22 other House Republicans introduced legislation on Tuesday that sets out guidelines for a major tax reform bill, and expedited procedures for moving that bill in early 2013.