National Journal | House Dems Offer Senate-Passed Tax Bill
House Democratic leaders on Monday said they are preparing to introduce the Senate-passed bill to renew the President George W. Bush-era tax cuts for families earning up to $250,000 as their alternative to the House GOP plan that would extend all the tax cuts.
Heritage Foundation | Sluggish Economic Growth: More Reason to Renounce Tax Hikes
On the afternoon of another discouraging assessment of the nation’s economic growth, the Obama Administration late Friday quietly released its mid-year update of the budget. The synchronicity made clear just how far from reality the President’s fiscal and economic policies have drifted—and the imperative of a prompt course correction.
Tax Foundation | Monday Map: Sales Tax Holidays in 2012
Today's Monday Map presents data from the report on sales tax holidays we released this morning, Sales Tax Holidays: Politically Expedient but Poor Tax Policy. 17 states have held or will hold sales tax holidays in 2012; geographically most of them are in the South.