
Thursday, August 9, 2012


CNN Money | U.S. drought drives up food prices worldwide
The drought that's drying up the Heartland isn't just an American problem. It's causing food prices to surge worldwide.
CNN Money | Chinese inflation hits fresh 2-1/2 year low
Prices continued to decline in China last month, clearing the way for the country to ramp up its stimulus efforts.

Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
Fortune | Two legends in economics wrestle over the euro's future
In one corner, Robert Mundell, 79. In the other, 84-year old Allan Meltzer. Two respected economists on opposite sides of the euro debate.

Economist | The way forward
I've been moaning all summer about the world's central bankers, twiddling their thumbs while disaster looms. They haven't exactly done nothing, however.